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Terms and Conditions:

 On completion of the groom, Cooper's reserves the right to adjust the pricing in line with the work involved and time taken.  Groom costs can go down as well as up and any increase in price will be advised pre-groom.  I request that my dog ​​be groomed in accordance with the above instructions and agree to pay the quotation plus any adjustments upon completion of the groom.


Grooming Policy - We are proud of our Customer Service and will groom your dog according to your instructions and make every effort to meet your expectations.  It must be made clear however that it may sometimes be difficult to achieve the visual effect an owner is looking for, especially on the first groom, and that no guarantee can be made in this regard.  This is due to the dog's pre-groom condition, plus the nature of its coat and bone structure having a major bearing on the finished result.  Records are kept in order to track progress of the desired result and to create a finished style.  Before and after photographs can be provided on request. 


De Matting - We groom humanely at Cooper's and abide by the Animal Welfare Act.  If a dog is presented to us in a severely matted and uncomfortable condition, we will seek the owner's permission to de-matt by clipping the coat very short or shaving.  This method of de matting is painless for the animal and allows its skin to breathe and recover, thereby encouraging a new and healthy coat to develop.  Occasionally, after shaving, sores or red skin may be revealed where dirt and infection or parasites have accumulated under the matting.  Your vet will advise you of any treatment required.  At the next groom, we will begin re-shaping and styling the coat according to breed type and/or owner requirements.  We will be very happy to explain how to prevent future problems and maintain your dog's coat at home. 

I agree that the groomer will not be held liable for any mishap caused by my non-disclosure of my pet's medical condition or behaviour. 









240 Old Laira Road

    07427 655107



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© 2019 by Coopers Dog Grooming Ltd

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